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Materials Science · Vacuum · Plasma · Thin Film Deposition 1: PVD, PLD, and Sputtering · Diffusion, Oxidation, and Doping · CVD · Thin-film Nucleation ? In CVD process films are deposited through a chemical reaction. Page 8. Major deposition schemes. ? Physical vapor deposition (PVD). 12: Amorphous Silicon Thin Films J. Poortmans and V. Arkhipov, Thin Film Solar Cells: Please see lecture video for visuals of each technology. and engineers, often supplemented by notes prepared by the course instructor. The Materials Science of Thin Films, a true textbook, complete with.Starting. 2000 Lhe lecture notes were regularily updated by Dr. Christoph Eisenmenger-Sittner. In 2006 the four hour lecture "Physics and Technology of Thin LPCVD allows chemical deposition of thin film with the best quality. In addition to keeping a low pressure, control the uniformity of temperature distribution
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